(Carol) Carolina Lua

"Nevermind, I'll do it myself."

Carol is a Londoner at heart. As a matter of fact, she never stepped outside of the city. It’s not as if she had enough Mollis to cover the expense, but still...

She’s a foodie, although it’s difficult to stumble upon something different these days, with the lack of food and all. If she has to share food with someone, she’ll always make sure that she gets her fair portion first.

(Art) Artiom Ghrian

"Will I ever do anything right?"

He's a brilliant nanobot technician who creates beautiful light sculptures, but he's not that great at socialising. He's always afraid that people will find out that he's not as smart as he seems.

Because he's so fearful of rejection, he tends to keep to himself. We know that he came from Glasgow, running away from the war, but he doesn't tend to speak much about his past.

Pepper Blue

"No more water for you."

When she was young, people kept saying that she was too salty. So she named herself Pepper after her gender reassignment. No one knows her former name, and nobody really cares. Apart from that old man that comes to the studio once in a while.

She runs Pepper's, the one-stop shop for all your device, nanotech and water needs. Without her, Rother High wouldn't be the same.


"Woof woof biscuits!"

She’s Pepper’s loyal mutt. Pepper can’t live without her, although she keeps complaining about the dog!

Lucy often goes on adventures of her own. She loves exploring the decaying neighbourhood of Rother High, and every so often even sneaks into Shiba Town. She’s a bit of a troublemaker, but she’s a good dog.

Julia Lua

"I told you so!"

Julia moved to London from Portugal during the golden age of the western world, in hopes of pursuing a career in music. Her dreams were dashed after a sequence of devastating worldwide events, and she found solace in raising a loving family.

Even though the world has changed during her adult life, she never stopped listening to a nice beat here and then.

Tony Jones


Tony doesn’t really belong in the scene, but no one knows where he came from or how he ended up crossing paths with Julia’s family.

As far as everyone is concerned, he’s just a man in a striped jumper, far too hot for the weather.

Sofia Lua

"There's a solution to every problem."

Sofia is always the first to roll up her sleeves when it's time to get to work. She's a software developer with a natural ability for augmented reality apps.

Being pregnant with Carol didn't stop her from developing the systems that kept London's comms alive when the first droughts hit.

Kai Lua

"Let's JAM!"

Kai is Julia’s only child and Carol’s dad. He loves retro clothing and worked as an augmented reality engineer before society collapsed.

His favourite hobby is playing the guitar, and he makes sure that everybody knows about it, even though he refuses to play in front of people. The truth is... he only knows three chords.

Norton Deschamps

"It wasn't my fault."

He's been the undefeated Mayor of Shiba Town and Surrounding Areas for twenty years. It wasn't always like that, though. Before he became a politician, he had dreams of changing the world. But then THE THING happened.

Norton's right arm bears the word "arsehole" written in binary code as a reminder of his past mistakes and a symbol of his self-deprecation.

The Strays


Tobias, Esther and Giselle are your not so friendly neighbourhood cats. They are always on the lookout for a spot in the shade and no one can get in their way.

They are strays, but they mostly live at Pepper’s, because that’s where the water is. Even if Pepper has come to consider them pets, they have a different opinion.

Interested in reading? You can order chapters one, two and three below:

The fourth chapter was funded via Kickstarter and is in the works!

You can also find chapters 1, 2 and 3 in the following in-person or online shops:

  • All Good Bookshop
  • Destination Venus
  • Gosh Comics
  • Amazon
  • Comix
  • ComicScene Plus

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A project by Cláudia Matosa © 2022 - 2023